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All Songs of All Programs Performed by Gregory Wiest

  • Three Women in the City
    written 2022
    by Dustin Schulze
    City Visions
    Text by Emma Lazarus (1849-1887)
    From Brooklyn
    Text by Evelyn Scott (1893-1963)
    The Metropolitan Tower
    Text by Sara Teasdale, (1884-1933)
    Unfinished List of The Things I Love
    written 2016
    by Derek M. Jenkins
    Text by Daniel Weller
    Autumn Sonnet
    Even the Little Things
    To Love Again
    written 2022
    by Paul Winchester
    Grow Old Along With Me
    Text by Robert Browning
    To Love Again
    Text by Gary Boelhower
    O Mistress Mine
    Text by William Shakespeare
    Text by Gary Boelhower
    Love is a Sickness
    Text by Samuel Daniel
    Between Us
    Text by Gary Boelhower
    composed by Elaine Fine
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Alice Ruth Moore (Alice Dunbar-Nelson)
  • Thought
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Death
  • Faith
  • Songs of the Wood
    composed by James A. Devor
    Text after George Washington Sears
  • That Trout
  • Flight of the Goddess
  • Disheartened
  • Isabel Nye
  • Birds Gone South
    composed by Travis Reynolds
    for High Voice and Piano
    Texts by Robert A. Ayres
  • For a Fallen Fieldmouse
  • Dry Spell
  • Solstice
  • Collect
  • Sunflower
  • Five Lyrics of Lermontov
    composed by David Evan Thomas
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Mikhail Lermontov,
    translated by Anatoly Liberman
  • Speak to Me
  • She Sings
  • The Cliff
  • A Vision
  • The Angel of Heaven
  • The Touch of Rain
    composed by Christopher Beardsley
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Robert Herrick, Edward Thomas and Matthew Arnold
  • How Love Came In
  • Like the Touch of Rain
  • Longing
  • Sebastiane
    composed by Donna McKevitt
    for tenor, Viola and Cello
    Text by Derek Jarman
  • Compression
    composed by Jake DiFebo
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Samuel Beckett
  • Roundelay
  • something there
  • thither
  • A Seven of Sonnets – Poems of Mike Alexander
    composed by Robert McCauley
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Mike Alexander
  • Sonnet - The Steps
  • Sonnet - Ms Pacman
  • Sonnet - "the six strings of yesterday"
  • Sonnet - Fermata
  • Sonnet - "this skeletal jockey"(Basquiat)
  • Sonnet - "this one Lavender Disaster"
  • Sonnet - Autopsy, Good Friday
  • Jessie Stuart Songs
    composed by Daniel Gilliam (* 1978)
    Texts by Jesse Stuart (1907-1984)
  • Who Said that Gold
  • Now do not leave me
  • Spring in Kentucky hills
  • The call to earth
  • Oh, don't you see
  • Three Dots
    composed by Nathan Crowe (*1995)
    Texts after Mike Hranica (1988)
  • Introduction
  • Future Future
  • Small Leaves
  • 82 Days Ago
  • Coming to and end
  • Joy
  • What it is…
  • Interlude
  • Attraction
  • Whatever is Best
  • Stupid Lost
  • Another Chance
  • The Night I Wanted to Drive
  • Three Hallucinations of Love
    composed by Isaac Lovdahl (* 1993)
    Texts by Kyle Schwartz
  • A Chain Swings from Dark Heaven
  • and
  • Rules
  • Cats
    for Tenor, Piano and Double Bass
    composed by Norberto Oldrini (* 1968)
    Texts by Silvia Cassioli (* 1971)
  • O. Cattango
  • Small Cat
  • Irresolute Cat
  • second moral tail
  • Hungry Cat
  • third moral tail
  • Sad Cat
  • fourth moral tail
  • Escape/Delete/Space/Enter/­Home
    composed by David Wolfson
    Texts by David Wolfson (* 1964)
  • Escape
  • Delete
  • Space
  • Enter
  • Home
  • Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
    composed by Lauren McCall
    Texts after T. S. Eliot (1888-1965)
  • Dante’s Inferno
  • Let Us Go You And I
  • In the Room the Women
  • The Yellow Fog
  • The Yellow Smoke
  • Do I Dare
  • For I Have Known
  • Shall I Say
  • And the Afternoon
  • No I Am Not
  • I Grow Old
  • Blessings
    composed by David Evan Thomas
    Texts by James Wright
  • I. Beginning
  • II. Jewel
  • III. This and That
  • IV. The Blessing
  • V. To A Hostess Saying Good Night
  • Songs for Traveling
    composed by Jonathan Russ
    Texts by Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950)
  • I. Travel
  • II. The Unexplored
  • III. To The Not Impossible Him
  • IV. Journey
  • If
    composed by Mary Ann Joyce-Walter
    Texts by May Sarton (1912-1995)
  • If I Can Let You Go
  • Sleeping At Last
    composed by Norman Mathews
    Text by Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)
  • Sleeping At Last
  • Be Music
    composed by Carrie Magin
    Text by Kenneth Patchet (1911-1972)
  • Be Music, Night
  • Rendezvous
    composed by Patrick Lee
    Text by Alan Seeger (1888-1916)
  • Rendezvous
  • Brodwick Songs
    composed by Arthur Gottschalk
    Texts by Malcolm Brodwick
  • Serenade
  • Absolute Zero
  • Untitled
  • Interrogative
  • Slow Dance
  • A Critique of Pure Laughter
  • The Dying of the Light
    composed by Gwyneth Walker
    Texts by Dylan Thomas
  • The Hand That Signed the Paper
  • And Death Shall Have No Dominion
  • Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
  • Casting Off
    composed by Joseph N. Rubinstein
    Texts by Stephen Crane
  • If I should cast off this tattered coat
  • Ay, workman, make me a dream
  • Once I Knew a Fine Song
  • On the horizon the peaks assembled
  • Three little birds in a row
  • The livid lightnings flashed in the clouds
  • There came whisperings in the winds
  • Should the wide world roll away
  • The Wind Among the Reeds
    composed by Michael Mikulka
    Texts by William Butler Yeats
  • Aedh Laments the Loss of Love
  • Aedh Gives His Beloved Certain Rhymes
  • Aedh Hears the Cry of the Sedge
  • Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
  • Ayres and Madrigals
    composed by Mark Buller
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by John Dowland and Thomas Campion
  • Can She Excuse My Wrongs
  • A Fountain Where I Lay
  • Flow, My Tears
  • Three Songs
    composed by Mary Ann Joyce-Walter
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Gerald Manley Hopkins and Edward Hirsch
  • Nothing Is So Beautiful As Spring
  • The Sweetness
  • Danse Macabre
    composed by Toby Young
    for Tenor and Piano
    Text by W.H. Auden
  • 1. It's farewell to the drawingroom's
  • 2. For the devil has broken parole
  • 3. Millions have already come to their harm
  • 4. For I am afterall the Fortunate One.
  • Road Rage
    for tenor, piano, clarinette and double bass
    composed by William Vollinger
    Text by William Vollinger
  • Sonoma Songs
    composed by Armand Russell
    for soprano and piano
    Texts by Joan Moore
  • The Blue Door
  • Walking Down
  • Petit Mort
  • Monarch Migration
  • Poetry for a Midsummer's Night
    composed by David Gompper
    for tenor, piano and double bass
    Texts by Marvin Bell
  • How the Lovers Found True Love After All
  • Three Songs on Poems by Walt Whitman
    composed by Jorge Sosa
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Walt Whitman
  • Continuities
  • The Voice of the Rain
  • Twilight
  • What Happens to a Dream Deferred?
    composed by Timothy Brown
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Langston Hughes
  • What Happens to a Dream Deferred?
  • Tell Me
  • Island
  • Dream Boogie
  • The Dream Keeper
  • I Dream a World
  • Red Moon & Other Songs of War
    composed by Robert Rival
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Bret Harte, Thomas Hardy, Carl Sandburg, Sara Teasdale, John Scott of Amwell, Norman Bethune
  • What the Bullet Sang
  • The Man He Killed
  • Grass
  • There Will Come Soft Rains
  • Iron
  • The Drum
  • Red Moon
  • Sea Psalms
    composed by Frederick Frahm
    for tenor, piano and double bass
    Text by Robinson Jeffers
  • Evening Ebb
  • Life from the Lifeless
  • Distant Rainfall
  • Hercules
    composed by Emanuela Ballio
    for tenor and double bass
    Text by Simon Armitage
  • Chasms
    composed by Randolph Partain
    for soprano, tenor, piano and double bass
    Texts by Sara Teasdale
  • Wild Asters
  • Mystery
  • Dusk in Wartime
  • The Kiss
  • Snowfall
  • There Will Come Soft Rains
  • After Love
  • Sanctuary
  • Acts of Kindness
    composed 2005 by William Vollinger
    Texts by William Vollinger
  • Two Necklaces
  • First Journey
  • Second Journey
  • Freedom Begun
  • First Sacrifice
  • Second Sacrifice
  • Three Sonnets
    composed 2004 by Paul A. Epstein
    Texts by Harvey Gilman
  • Isolation
  • Rapport
  • Threnody
  • Two Songs
    composed 2006 by Emanuela Ballio
    Texts by William Shakespeare
  • Sonnet 125, Let me be obsequious in thy heart
  • Sonnet 121, I am that I am
  • Trains
    composed 2006 by Rodney Waschka II
    Texts by Rodney Waschka II
  • 1. In Memory
  • 2. The Train grows arms
  • 3. Cars Clang
  • 4. Having Lost
  • 5. After the Offensive
  • 6. This Train Never heard
  • 7. This Train Struck
  • 8. The Train Welcomes
  • 9. In the Cold Morning
  • 10. When It Carries
  • Evenly Spaced Waves of Irony
    composed 2005 by David Cutler
    Text by Billy Collins
  • I. The Willies
  • II. Flames
  • III. Weighing the Dog
  • IV. Embrace
  • Songs of Life Passing,
    for Tenor and Piano
    composed by Dana Wilson (b. 1946)
  • Youth, day, old age and night (Walt Whitman)
  • Men at Forty (Donald Justice)
  • Do not go gentle into that good night (Dylan Thomas)
  • Pax Americana, Songs of Protest
    for Tenor and Piano
    composed by Randolph L. Partain (b. 1973)
  • „Mourn not the Dead . . ." (Ralph Chaplin)
  • Ready to Kill (Carl Sandburg)
  • Epiphany (Anonymous)
  • Jingo (U.S. Goverment Posters)
  • Dulce Et Decorum Est (Wilfred Owen)
  • Dead Man‘s Dump (Isaac Rosenberg)
  • Three Songs
    composed 1999-2001 by Dennis Livingston (b. 1940)
    Texts by Dennis Livingston
  • An Ordinary Day (2001)
  • It‘s Time for Roses (1997)
  • Every Time I Look at You (1999)
  • Liebestod Waltzes
    composed 2003 by Ben Phelps (b. 1980)
  • no.1 (Translation by www.rwagner.net )
  • no.2 (Translation by Ben Phelps)
  • no.3 (Translation by Babble Fish, www.world.altavista.com )
  • Oetztal Narratives
    composed 2004 by Martin Read (b. 1959)
    Text by Philip Sealey
  • I. Helmut and Erika Simon's Story
  • II. The Austrian Official's Story
  • III. The Iceman's Story
  • Four Ben Jonson Songs
    for Tenor and Piano
    Texts by Ben Jonson
    composed by Martin Hennessy
  • Hymn to Diana,
  • Come My Celia,
  • Echo's Song,
  • Kiss me, Sweet
  • Sunrise
    for Tenor and Piano
    poetry by Christina Rossetti
    composed by Katherine Gilliam
  • Bird Raptures
  • Bread and Milk for Breakfast
  • O Wind, Why Do You Never Rest?
  • Heaven Overarches Earth and Sea
  • O Wind, Where Have You Been?
  • The Summer Nights Are Short
  • Baby Lies so Fast Asleep
  • Roses on a Briar
  • Who has Seen the Wind?
  • Advent
  • The Christmas of 1914
    A narrative for unaccompanied Tenor
    Texts and Music by William Vollinger
  • The Christmas of 1914
  • Whimsical Songs
    for tenor and Double Bass
    Texts by John Keats
    composed by Armand Russell
  • Old Meg
  • The Dawlish Fair
  • An Interesting Place
  • Two or Three Posies
  • New Mexico
    for tenor, Double Bass and Piano
    Text by Philip Sealey
    composed by Martin Read
  • New Mexico
  • Songs of the Soul
    composed by Allen Cohen
    Texts by Walt Whitman
  • A Noiseless Patient Spider
  • A Clear Midnight
  • O Living Always, Always Dying
  • When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer
  • One Hour to Madness and Joy
  • Solid Ironical, Rolling Orb
  • Life
  • Darest Thou Now O Soul
  • Handkerchief, Cross & Bread
    composed 2000 by William Vollinger
    for Tenor Soloist, and String Bass,
    Texts by William Vollinger
  • Handkerchief
  • Cross
  • Bread
  • Food for Love
    composed by Mona Lyn Reese
    Text by Thomas A. Hassing, from the Opera, Three Fat Women of Antibes
  • Aria of Prinz Roccamare
  • Cantadas D'Un Vuzo Enculado
    for Tenor, Soprano, Piano and Double Bass
    composed 1999 by Victor Saucedo
    Texts by Steve Kowit
  • Prologue
  • Touched
  • Kiss
  • Lute
  • No!
  • Unknotted
  • That Smudge
  • Night
  • Separation
  • Remembrance
  • Metaphor
  • Postlude
  • Kiss
  • Dream Songs
    for Tenor, Contrabass and Piano
    composed 1984 + 2001 by Doug Davis
    Texts by John Berryman
  • Huffy Henry
  • I Miss Him
  • Four Occasional Songs
    for tenor, op.41
    poetry by Cornel Adam
    composed between 7/58 and 6 /66 by Peter Jona Korn (3/30/22-1/12/98)
  • Riding Song
  • Farmer's Song
  • Rustic Song
  • Cradle Song
  • Beat
    A Song Cycle for High Voice, Piano and Double Bass
    poetry by Jack Kerouac, Malcolm Brodwick, and Walt Whitman
    composed 1998 by Arthur Gottschalk
  • Chorus 172
  • SOS
  • Chorus 34
  • The Mystic Trumpeter
  • Chorus 168
  • Who Is Now
  • Chorus 49
  • All About Connections
  • Chorus 241
  • Song of the Son
    Three Songs for Tenor and Piano
    poetry by Jean Toomer
    composed 1998 by Jeremy Beck (1960)
  • Face
  • Beehive
  • Song of the Son
  • Three Encores:
    1. Even
    poetry by Steve Kowit
    composed 1997 by Victor Saucedo
  • Even
  • 2. Bach
    poetry and music by William Vollinger
  • Bach
  • 3. A Thunderstorm in Town
    composed 1990 by Garth Baxter (1946)
    Text by Thomas Hardy
  • A Thunderstorm in Town
  • Six Love Songs 1998
    for Tenor and Piano
    poetry and music by David Wolfson
  • My Pennies
  • I Shake the Day from My Shoulders
  • You Snap
  • Your Body
  • Let Us Not Forget
  • When First I loved You
  • My Pennies
  • Songs of the Poet
    composed by Norman Mathews
    poetry by Walt Whitman
  • Sometimes with One I Love
  • That Music Always Round Me
  • Hear the Frailest Leaves of Me
  • Tears
  • As the Time Draws Nigh
  • Grand is the Seen
  • The Last Invocation
  • up into the silence
    composed by Joelle Wallach
    poetry by e.e.cummings
  • will you teach
  • these children singing
  • newlys of silence
  • may my heart always
  • 3 Yeats Songs
    composed by Corey Field
    poetry by W.B. Yeats
  • To a Child Dancing in the Wind
  • The Witch
  • The Young Man's Song(Brown Penny)
  • A Birthday Bouquet
    composed by Elizabeth Austin
    poetry by e.e.cummings, Christine Rossetti and W.B. Yeats
  • a birthday wish
  • a birthday
  • remember
  • had I the heavens' embroidered cloths
  • Facing the Moon
    composed by Stephen Wilcox
    poetry by Li Yu, Liu K’o Chuang and Li Po
  • How Can a Man
  • Leaf by Leaf
  • Drinking Alone With the Moon
  • Quiet Night Thoughts
  • BirdSongs
    by Paul A. Epstein
    poetry by Toby Olson
  • Birds Again
  • Faces
  • Sparrow
  • Moot
  • Songs from Sleep Now
    composed by Ronald Perera
    poetry by James Joyce
  • I Hear an Army
  • Ecce Puer
  • The Twilight Turns from Amethyst
  • Sleep Now
  • A Bestiary of Dreams
    composed by Robert Convery
    poetry by Susan Astor
  • The Lion's Dream
  • The Hound's Dream
  • The Flea's Dream
  • The Spider's Dream
  • Dream of the Whale
  • A Cynic’s Cycle
    composed by Robert Baksa
    poetry by Ambrose Bierce
  • Allah's good laws
  • To Men
  • The Graverobber
  • The Troutlet
  • Troutlet
  • Five Yeats Songs
    composed by Phillip Martin
    poetry by W.B. Yeats
  • The Fiddler of Dooney
  • The Lake Isle of Innisfree
  • The Stolen Child
  • I am of Ireland
  • He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
  • though love be a day
    composed by Gwyneth Walker
    poetry by e.e.cummings and Gwyneth Walker
  • Thy fingers make early flowers
  • after all white horses are in bed
  • maggie and milly and molly and may
  • Still
  • they fingers make early flowers,
  • Three Lullabies
    composed by Corey Field
    poetry by Robert Louis Stevenson and W.B. Yeats
  • Where Go the Boats
  • Escape at Bedtime
  • A Cradle Song
  • Escape at Bedtime,
  • Shakespeare Songs
    composed by Ronald Perera
    poetry by William Shakespeare
  • Take, O Take Those Lips Away
  • Hark! Hark! The Lark
  • Full Fathom Five
  • Where the Bee Sucks
  • O Mistress Mine
  • Hark! Hark! The Lark,
  • Songs of the Night Wind
    composed by Gwyneth Walker
    poetry by Louise Bogan, Hilda Doolittle, and Lisel Mueller
  • To be sung on the water(Luise Bogan)
  • Where is the nightingale(Hilda Doolittle)
  • Night song(Lisel Mueller)
  • Song for a lyre(Luise Bogan)
  • Never more will the wind(Hilda Doolittle)
  • The Pensive Traveler
    composed by Donald Crockett
    poetry by Walt Whitman I Was Born Upon Thy Bank River
  • For Though the Caves Were Rabitted
  • On the Sun Coming Out in the Afternoon
  • What's the Railroad to Me?
  • Sic Vita
  • I Was Born Upon Thy Bank River
  • Four Songs on Poems by Thoreau
    composed by Marilyn Penn
    poetry by Louise Bogan, Hilda Doolittle and Lisel Mueller
  • Each more melodious note I hear
  • Love equals
  • Fog
  • My life more civil is and free
  • Renaissance Songs
    composed by J.G. Bilotta
    poetry by Anonymous, Orlando Gibbons, John Donne, and Thomas Lodge
  • Prisoners
  • The Silver Swan
  • Aubade
  • A Fancy
  • Two Songs after the Catawba
    composed by A.G. Wilcox
    poetry by A. Poulin Jr.
  • Birds are singing
  • Burning sassafras
  • Dublin Songs
    composed by M.J. Shapiro
    poetry by James Joyce
  • Song from "A portrait of the artist as a young man"
  • O cool is the valley now
  • Because your voice was at my side
  • A lover's tale
  • In the dark pine-wood
  • Selected Songs
    composed by Russell Smith
    poetry by P.R. Brown, Richard Wilbur, and Gerard Manley Hopkins
  • Small Poem
  • In this Forest
  • Africa
  • Then
  • Pied Beauty