- Three Women in the City
- written 2022
- by Dustin Schulze
- City Visions
- Text by Emma Lazarus (1849-1887)
- From Brooklyn
- Text by Evelyn Scott (1893-1963)
- The Metropolitan Tower
- Text by Sara Teasdale, (1884-1933)
- Unfinished List of The Things I Love
- written 2016
- by Derek M. Jenkins
- Text by Daniel Weller
- Unfinished
- Love
- Untitled
- Autumn Sonnet
- Even the Little Things
- To Love Again
- written 2022
- by Paul Winchester
- Grow Old Along With Me
- Text by Robert Browning
- To Love Again
- Text by Gary Boelhower
- O Mistress Mine
- Text by William Shakespeare
- Valentine
- Text by Gary Boelhower
- Love is a Sickness
- Text by Samuel Daniel
- Between Us
- Text by Gary Boelhower
- Encores
- I Know
- Composed by Jane Kozhevnikova
- Text by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Dustin Schulze holds music degrees from the University of North Texas, Stephen F. Austin State University, and has earned his doctorate in composition from the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Schulze is an adjunct music professor at the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma City University.
Derek M. Jenkins (b. 1986, Frankfurt am Main, Germany) is an American composer, whose music has been performed throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, and Brazil.
Jenkins holds degrees from the University of Missouri-Kansas City (DMA Composition, MM Musicology, 2017; BM Composition, BM Theory, 2010) and Rice University (MM Composition, 2013). Additionally, he has received further instruction at the Kärntner Landeskonservatorium (now the Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik) and the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt. Beyond music, he was a Preparing Future Faculty Fellow at UMKC where he earned a Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Career Preparation, and he briefly studied mathematics at Loras College.
Jenkins serves as Associate Professor of Music and Coordinator of Music Theory and Composition at Arkansas State University, is currently the Coordinator of the South Central Division and Arkansas MTNA Composition Competitions, and is a member of the Board of Directors for the Jonesboro-based Diamond Brass Band.
In his spare time, Jenkins is an amateur scuba diver and baker, and he daydreams of becoming an astronaut.
Paul Winchester received his B. Mus in Composition from The College of Wooster and his M. Mus in Composition at Syracuse University, where he was a Heaton Fellow and a recipient of the Brian Israel Award.
Paul currently serves as the Music Director for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Minnetonka, where he leads the church choir, band, and orchestra, and regularly composes and arranges music for a wide variety of performers and ensembles.
In addition to his music career, Mr. Winchester is also a professional game developer. He is currently freelancing after working for 3 years with Fantasy Flight Games in Roseville, where he worked on the development team for and subsequently served as lead designer and producer for the product line of Star Wars: Imperial Assault, winner of the 2016 Board Game of the Year Origin Award.
He lives in Minneapolis with his wife, Mo, their son, Martin, and their 3 cats and 2 dogs.